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- From: cmoore@pacificnet.net
- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,sci.skeptic,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Smith-Grab a Life and a Brain.
- Date: 7 Jul 1996 10:52:06 GMT
- Organization: Posted via CAIS Internet <info@cais.com>
- Lines: 77
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- To: naretres@aracnet.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:21014 sci.skeptic:77737 alt.paranet.skeptic:4386 alt.alien.visitors:92264 alt.paranet.ufo:56019
- "Dr. R. X. Frager" <naretres@aracnet.com> wrote:
- >w.smith@ix.netcom.com(Bill Smith) wrote:
- >
- >>Unlike you Brian, I do not have bottomless reserves of time to give to
- >>this question.
- >--neither does he. We are lucky that we have him here and he is
- >willing to give the little time he does have. I have found the Brian
- >has answered all my requests for certain information which is incredible
- >for the little extra time he does have.
- I, too, appreciate Brian. He is a well-informed and articulate
- advocate on behalf of those of us who suspect we're not hearing
- the whole story re UFO's.
- [To the right-thinking man, to be alone and to be
- wrong are one and the same . . .
- - Jean-Paul Sartre]
- >
- >> I am trying to establish my own law practice, I own a
- >>house, I have a family.
- >
- >Well- whoop-de-do. Now go and defend another blood-sucking, polluting
- >Corporation like Shell Oil, so they can make the World an even worse place.
- >I'd rate lawyers (or professional liars) about as high as I would rate
- >toxic-waste dumps. Next time you are playing golf with your
- >lawyer buddies, remember that we are one-step closer to nuclear and
- >environmental destruction because your breed protects the
- >real criminals; the elitists who really don't give a damn about
- >Earth and the rest of humanity.
- Apparently another informed citizen who has discovered the myriad
- ways we are being lied to, duped, and held in bondage by a
- media controlled by monopolistic corporations who are peeling
- away our rights and lives as the public sleeps in its
- complacency and dances to the tune of advertising.
- And I heartily agree that "professional liers", (those particular
- scientists and lawyers who are intimately involved with the
- monopolistic corporations) should be held as culpable. But
- science and law serve crucial and laudable roles in our society
- and there are individuals in those professions who should be
- held to high esteem. For one example, on my website I have
- a letter where a whole bunch of scientists got together to send
- a message to Congress to protect an Environmental Bill.
- To single out Mr. Smith and vilify him because he wears the title
- (label) of attorney is unfair, and I'm sure you meant it only
- in the passion of the moment. I believe he is an attorney for
- the subject of Maritime law having been involved in the Coast Guard.
- >
- >Listen Smith, if you had .0001% of the knowledge that Brian had on UFOs and
- >the alien presence, than you might have something to say. But you don't;
- >so go rant and rave on one of the other 16,000+ newsgroups.
- >
- Mr. Smith can post to any newsgroup he so wishes, it's the
- nature of newsgroups.
- >Or have fun out in the suburbs with your kids, and teach them how
- >to be good citizens.
- He probably does already.
- >One way to do that is to listen to a citizen that
- >actually has a great deal of knowledge on the subject of UFOLOGY;
- >that being Mr. Brian Zieler!
- Hear, hear. I agree again. Go Brian!!
- >
- >Good day to you
- >
- >
- And a good day to you. It was an interesting post to reply to.
- Carol